Communicate Better, Work Happier

Meeet-Mitte, Thursday, 21st of  March 2019, 6:30 PM:

No team is better than a team of friends.

It’s not a secret, it’s a fact.

It is also a fact that friends fight, argue and take different paths… when that happens in life, consequences are on you and you alone, but when it happens in your team, everyone and everything is hurt: the morale, the individuals, the performance.
People don’t want to be where they aren’t wanted, so… what can you really do to build up and keep up a friendly, energetic and happy vibe over time?

As it turns out, quite a lot!

We are social animals, we are hard-wired to interact, communicate and stick together.
What we aren’t hard-wired to do is being supportive when we feel threatened, by a deadline, pressure or competition for example.

A threat triggers self-protection, not interaction.

Any working environment can be a threat to interaction and friendship, but there are simple triggers that once applied can switch mindsets and remove negative reactions to pressure and stress – and they all have to do with how people interact to each other.

In this meetup we will show you exactly what those mechanisms are and how to trigger them, in yourself and in others!

You will leave this workshop with a newly found perspective on your team and its behaviours and a new ability to naturally build or rebuild interactions across people and catalyze a happier, better workplace for everyone, yourself included.

Date:  Thursday, the 21st of March 2019, doors open at  6:30 PM. The evening ends at 8:30 PM

Location: Meeet-Mitte, Chausseestr. 86, 10115 Berlin Mitte

Entry: Small fee (voluntary) for the room (4-7€/person)

For Registration Sign Up at the Meetup group page

Edoardo Binda Zane, founder of EBZ Coaching is a communication and leadership trainer. He trains leaders, teams, and individuals to communicate better, using skills from improvisation theatre, his own personal management experience, and research compiled by respected external sources.
He provides teamwork training for top-level companies and has developed a parallel career in 7-figure EU project management and improvisational theatre, performing internationally and studying with several top-level schools (UCB, David Razowsky, ComedySportz). He exploits contact points between these realities and uses them to transfer skills between them.

He is the author of two books:

  • “Effective Decision-Making: how to make better decisions under uncertainty and pressure”
  • “Writing Proposals: A Handbook of What Makes Your Project Right For Funding”


Photos used with permission from Edoardo Binda Zane, Banner and other picture: ccO public domain via 


21. März 2019